2021 Reflections | Beginnings

There are only a few years in my life that have made it to the top of my Most Memorable list. I am now adding 2021 to the list!

I am finally launching the photography business that has been over a decade in the making. After many jobs, working as a wedding photographer for two years was my absolute favorite. Even after my scientific career became too demanding for wedding commitments, working on my photography on the side has brought me so much joy.

There is one thing in particular that allowed for this year to become such a life changer: I finished paying my student loans. The 6-figures in original debt tied me down to a scientific career that I was never passionate or excited about. As soon as I made the last payment, I decided to take a break for the first time ever, to spend some time doing what I actually wanted to do. I left my job in tech, and buckled up to make my savings last.

And now we are here. After months of work, learning, and pinch-me moments, I get to say hello, and welcome you on this journey.

To celebrate this new adventure, I will be offering discounts on all my photoshoot packages during the month of February (2022). The discounts will be based on the booking date. So, even if you’d like to do your session later in the spring, as long as you book in February, you will get a lower price.

If you would like to learn more, follow me on Instagram, where I will share all the details about this, and future offers, as soon as they become available.

I really hope that 2021 was a positive year for you. I am so grateful that you are here, and I can’t wait to get to know you in 2022!


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